High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Best Rolex Fake Daytona Watches To Buy

To date, the Rolex Daytona series has been around for almost 60 years. Daytona has been a successful series since its inception. And Daytona’s style is very rich, there are many representative models. This article introduces several best Rolex fake Daytona watches from 1165xx.

Rolex Daytona 116500LN 40MM

Replica Rolex Daytona 116500LN was released in 2016. It is also the watch most-watched in 2016. It replaces Ref. 116520. The case and bracelet are made of stainless steel. But the bezel has been greatly updated. The latest Cerachrom black bezel is treated with platinum PVD, so it looks exquisite, rich and refined. Then, the dial is a classic black and white panda dial. The black and white design gives this watch an excellent heritage. No matter what time in the future, black and white is a sign of fashion. And it is also equipped with a NO.4130 movement that has become the pinnacle. This fake Rolex watch will become one of the most classic fake watches in the Daytona collection.

Rolex Daytona 116506 40MM

Daytona began in 1963. At the 50th anniversary of Rolex Daytona in 2013, replica Rolex Daytona 116506 appeared. This is Rolex’s first platinum release of Daytona. Because of platinum, Rolex Daytona 116506 weighs 286 grams. Another surprise was the ice-blue dial and brown ceramic bezel. Vivid blue and calm brown left a deep impression on everyone. And it also has the strongest NO.4130 movement. So some people think this is a Rolex fake Daytona watch designed for collectors.

Rolex Daytona 116508 40MM

Fake Rolex Daytona 116508 was also released in 2016. However, the dark green dial at that time did not attract most people’s attention. But its fate changed dramatically because of John Mayer. John Mayer introduced Rolex Daytona 116508 in Talking Watches Part 2. Rolex Daytona 116508 was then sold out within a month. The green Rolex fake Daytona in 18ct yellow gold is a legendary watch. Moreover, you will find that the inside of it is still NO.4130 movement. In the future, it is likely to become an excellent auction item.

Rolex Fake Daytona 116515LN 40MM

Now let me introduce a Rolex Daytona watch with a rubber or leather strap. Fake Rolex Daytona 116515LN was released in 2017. Its color is also impressive. The black ceramic bezel has a dial with chocolate Arabic numerals, and the case is made of 18ct yellow gold. Calm colors and a black alligator strap make this Daytona watch more suitable for suits and casual matches. Similarly, the power for this Rolex Daytona watch is the No. 4130 movement. A daily Rolex fake Daytona watch is also a good choice.

In fact, the overall design of Daytona has not changed much since its birth. The main changes are the use of materials, the color mix and the advancement of the movement. Of course, the current Rolex Daytona is a 40MM dial using the No. 4130 movement. The latest Daytona and Ref. 6234 of 1955 are put together, you still think that the two watches may be from the same model.

In a word, Rolex Daytona has a timeless design and superior quality, and each of us will be attracted to it sooner or later.