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Difference Between Three Replica Panerai Classic Collections

Panerai’s first watch shop opened in Italy in 1860. But it wasn’t until 1993 that Panerai’s watches gained widespread attention. I believe the most impressive thing about Panerai watches is their case. What’s more, Panerai’s watches are generally larger. Today there are only four series on the Panerai official website. Replica Panerai watches have a high degree of recognition, but can you distinguish the specific classification of these Panerai?

Panerai Radiomir

In 1936, replica Panerai launched the Radiomir series. This series was originally created for Regia Marina. Replica Panerai Radiomir was the earliest military watch of the 1930s. So in order to be able to read the time quickly when performing tasks, Panerai uses a giant case. Radiomir Radiomir series watches concentrate on 42, 45, 47, 48MM. Unlike Luminor and Submersible, Radiomir does not have a crown bridge. Therefore, the overall design of Radiomir with a large dial is simpler and more classic.

Panerai Luminor

In 1949, Luminor, a luminous coating material developed by Panerai. This new luminous material is patented. The name of the Panerai Luminor series comes from the name of this luminous coating. In 1950, Panerai’s iconic crown guard was born. So since Luminor was born, every replica Panerai watch has a classic crown bridge. Luminor watches are relatively modest in size, mainly 40, 42, 44, 47MM.

Panerai Luminor Due

The Panerai Luminor Due series debuted in 2018. Compared to Luminor, Luminor Due watches are thinner and smaller. Because this is a women’s watch series. But the Luminor Due watch is only waterproof to 30M. It is the most comfortable and beautiful watch of all the Panerai collections. The size of Luminor Due is relatively small, mainly concentrated on 38, 42, 44MM.

Panerai Submersible

The submersible is the latest series from Panerai. In 2019, Panerai incorporates professional diving watches into this new collection. This is also a series of diving watches after Luminor. In addition to the precious metal version, the waterproof depth of the Panerai Submersible series can generally reach more than 300 meters. In addition, due to the continuation of the design of the Luminor series, the crown protection bridge is still retained. But the whole is flatter and the pointer is thicker. At the same time became the symbol of the Submersible series. Because it is a new series, the Submersible series has only 42 and 47MM watches.

Panerai labels men’s luxury replica watches. It has also been working on Navy watches. Although Panerai’s design style has always adhered to the original Italian design of the early 20th century. However, the rounded square case with the crown and bridge design has been well received by the general public.