High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Fake Panerai Radiomir PAM 931 With California Dial

Army watches are an advantage of Panerai. The reason why Panerai is great is that they incorporate modern and fashionable elements into retro designs. They not only inherit the classic appearance, but also the style full of modern personality. For example, fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931, which is described in this article.

Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 Fake

Why did fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 join California? Because it has a California dial. In order to show the classic, the dial of the 47MM uses a Plexiglas mirror. Dark brown calfskin strap with distressed texture. The strap is also paired with beige stitching, showing a strap that has been used for a long time. The large P.3000 movement under the transparent bottom cover is perfectly integrated with the 47MM case.

California Dial

The California dial is very special. Arabic numerals are used for the lower half of the faceplate. However, the upper half uses Roman numeral time scales. There are also four time scales using horizontal lines and inverted triangles. In other words, each time stamp of PAM00931 has its own characteristics.

The name of the California dial comes from a workshop in California that restores antique dials. Why is there such a special dial? Some people think it is for readability. Different types of time stamps prevent the wearer from seeing the time incorrectly due to similar numbers. Others said that the manufacturers intentionally made different time stamps on the same faceplate. At that time it was only used as a watch model.

The California dial was used on the Panerai diving watch in 1936. And the design of Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 was inspired by World War II. So the purpose of this fake watch is to show the modern classic watch again. PAM00931 is the first Panerai watch with a gradual California dial. The gradient dial is inspired by the fade of the old luminous material radium. The outermost ring of the dial is a track-type minute scale. The 1936 California watch was protected by the military, so the dial was very clean, with no brand and collection text. Therefore, the dial of fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 does not add any logo.

PAM00931 is based on the fake Panerai watch made in 1936 for the special needs of the Italian Royal Navy. The retro feel presented by fake Panerai Radiomir California PAM00931 is naturally set off by a long history.