High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Fake Rolex Submariner 116613 With Two Colors

The best known of all Rolex collections is Submariner. This is also a tool list. But this is an elegant tool table. Its size is moderate, generally 40MM. And as early as 1983, Submariner appeared a gold and steel combination watch, Rolex Submariner 16613. But this article is not about this one, but another fake Rolex Submariner “Rolesor” watch.

Rolex Submariner 116613

In 2008, the serial number of the fake Rolex Submariner watch was upgraded from five to six digits. The following year, Rolex Submariner 116613 appeared. Ref.116613 has two color schemes. One is the blue fake Rolex Submariner 116613LB that fits the diving theme, and the other is the fake Rolex Submariner 116613LN in classic black and white tones. The color here refers to the color of the bezel and dial.

Rolex Submariner 116613LB & LN

Rolex Submariner 116613LB & LN has a 40MM stainless steel case. The dial continues to use the Maxi dial with a larger hour mark and the “Mercedes” hour hand. Gold is inlaid in various parts of the watch. Note that this is not a pure gold fake Rolex Submariner watch. It’s a mix of gold and steel.

The Difference

Although both fake watches belong to the Rolex Submariner 116613, they will still have two differences. In addition to the color of the bezel and dial, another difference is the text color of the dial. The text of Rolex Submariner 116613LB is yellow that echoes gold. The Rolex Submariner 116613LN‘s text is white in contrast to the black dial. Whether it is yellow or white text, it is to better match this Rolex Submariner watch.

Flawed Movement

Rolex Submariner 116613LB & LN are equipped with NO.3135 movement. Although the current movement has been upgraded to NO.3235 in 2017. However, for Submariner 116613LB & LN, which was launched in 2009, the NO.3135 movement was the perfect configuration at the time. I believe that the next fake Rolex Submariner watch will definitely use the NO.3235 movement. Maybe in 2020.

With Suggestions

Rolex Submariner 116613 is definitely a tool watch for men. But it is also suitable for some women. For example, there are working women with aura, women with personality, tall or strong women. Rolex Submariner 116613 can calmly appear on various occasions. Whether you wear a suit or a T-shirt, a party or the sea, Submariner 116613 can adapt to your mix. And the blue fake Rolex Submariner 116613LB is especially suitable for matching with a white shirt in the summer. However, if girls want to choose a watch with a beautiful dress, this watch is not a good choice. Girls’ evening dresses still have to match Rolex’s Day-Date or Datejust series.

Rolex Submariner 116613 has a perfect 40MM, which is a neutral size. Since the appearance of NO.3235 in 2017, I will definitely not hesitate to recommend this luxurious diving watch. But the problem is that a better NO.3235 movement has appeared. So would you like to wait with me for the Submariner watch with NO.3235 movement?