High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Panerai Replica Luminor Due PAM00927 Watch With New Materials

Big, thick and heavy are the exclusive signs of Panerai. But this label changed with the birth of the Panerai Luminor Due series. Born in 2016, Luminor Due launched the first 38MM replica watches in 2018. This is a bit off-topic. Today’s focus is not 38MM, but 42MM Panerai replica Luminor Due PAM00927 watches.

Replica Luminor Due PAM00927 With New Materials

This is the first time that the Panerai replica Luminor Due watch has been joined with titanium. This replica Luminor Due has a titanium case and a blue sunburst dial. The small seconds display is at nine o’clock. Replica Panerai watches are generally 44mm or more in size. This replica PAM00927 is 42mm and can be worn by both men and women.

Replica Luminor Due PAM00927 Worn On The Wrist

The titanium case is the basis for the success of this replica Panerai PAM00927. Because titanium is lighter than other metals and it is hypoallergenic. But harder and more resistant to corrosion than steel. And the replica watch has a blue strap. So it will be very comfortable to wear on the wrist.


The hands of this replica Luminor Due watch are filled with luminous powder. 9 o’clock is the small seconds’ dial and 3 o’clock is the date window. Then at 12 o’clock, there is a “Panerai” logo. The overall design is very simple, making reading easier and more convenient.

Panerai replica Luminor Due PAM00927 has no rough style but has modern elegance. It has a new interpretation of blue. 42MM small diameter plus titanium case can meet your temperament.