High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Square Replica Rolex Cellini Prince Watches Review

Rolex is famous all over the world as a watch brand. Most people are now pursuing the practical Rolex watch, so Cellini dress watches are often forgotten by everyone. The Cellini collection was added to complement the exquisite formal outfit. It provides suitable watches for special places. Because of its utility, it does win supporters among a group of people with special needs. The Cellini collection series has a long history, let’s start with the first replica Rolex Cellini watch.


Hans Wilsdorf founded the Rolex company in 1905. Soon after, the first Cellini watch was born in 1928. The earliest Rolex Cellini Prince is Ref.971 and 1343. These two Prince watches belong to that era. In fact, Prince was inspired by Cubism to the German Bauhaus School.

The 1940s were the era of popular compact style. People at the time were happy because they had small, delicate watches. However, the compact replica Rolex Cellini Prince watch was discontinued at this time. Of course, I don’t know why Hans Wilsdorf made such a decision. So Prince fans at the time had to wait.

After half a century, more than 50 years later, Prince has finally returned. In 2005, we saw the new replica Rolex Cellini watch. They have a familiar look and design, but they have a style that belongs to this new era.

Square Case

Prince from 1928 to 2005 has the characteristics of Prince. The Prince watch has always been a simple but interesting watch. The first is the most recognizable square case, 45mm x 29mm. So when you wear your Prince on your wrist, it’s more like a bracelet. Then, the front and case back of the replica Rolex Cellini Prince watch are protected by scratch-resistant sapphire crystal glass. Third, Prince’s dial uses only Everose and White gold. For example replica Rolex Cellini Prince 5443 is made of white gold, and it has a striking black Guilloche motif double dial. So it has a place in luxury replica Rolex watches. In short, it is a gentleman’s watch.

Doctor ’s Watch

It is not unexpected to have a square dial inside the square case. There are two small dials inside the dial. The first large dial shows the hours and minutes. The second small dial is displayed for 60 seconds. This separate stopwatch dial provides great convenience for doctors when counting pulses. And at the time, only well-paid doctors could afford Rolex Prince. So this replica watch is also called Doctor ’s Watch. But these watches are only water resistant to 50M.

Square Movement

So Prince watches use a square movement, Rolex 7040 movement. At that time, the advent of the NO.7040 movement was a miracle, because it was a manually wound movement. And it can store 72 hours of power. It is also a Swiss movement with COSC certification. Although it is now available in many factories, it was one of the finest movements at the time. The NO.7040 movement contains 21 gems, which we can see through the transparent bottom cover.

If you like luxurious dress watches, then Cellini Prince is a great choice. They are not tool watches everywhere. Prince perfected the Oyster case and waterproof performance in the development process. In my mind, it should be the most beautiful watch in various parties. It has a superior fit and can be hidden under any cuff. Of course, I hope you can show it more.