High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.1

From the Rolex website, we can see that Rolex now has a total of 15 series. These mainly include sports series and formal series. 15 series covers the sky, underwater, and land adventures. Let’s take a look at the best fake Rolex watch in each series. We start talking in the order of the official website.

In Air-King: Rolex Air-King 116900 40MM

I previously had a dedicated article detailing the fake Rolex Air-King 116900. So here I will briefly describe it. The Rolex Air-King 116900 is the first Air-King after Air-King was discontinued in 2014. This new Rolex Air-King 116900 was officially released in 2016. It has three major innovations. the first. Rolex Air-King 116900 expands the dial to 40MM. Second, it uses No. 3131 movement with diamagnetic properties. Third, the new Air-King uses a new yellow-green dial. The Rolex Air-King 116900 with three innovations at once is definitely the best fake Rolex watch in the Air-King series.

In Daytona: Rolex Daytona 116500LN 40MM

There are too many masterpieces of the Daytona series. Daytona mainly has seven classifications of stainless steel, gold and steel, white gold, pure gold, pure rose gold, platinum ice blue, and diamond rainbow circle. After a long struggle, I still chose the classic stainless steel Daytona. I don’t know if it is lucky or unfortunate, I chose fake Rolex Daytona 116500LN. Rolex Daytona 116500LN has black and white dials. Both dials are classic panda dials. The black ceramic bezel is the biggest difference in this Daytona. The ceramic bezel is characterized by its rigidity and abrasion resistance. And Rolex Daytona 116500LN has a 16-year-old NO.4130 movement. The NO.4130 movement is the best movement in the same class of movements. However, I still chose it as the best fake Rolex watch in the Daytona series because of the black ceramic bezel.

In Datejust: Rolex Datejust 126234 36MM

The Datejust series is available in two sizes. One is the classic 36MM Datejust, and the other is the 41MM Datejust II. After comparing the two, I chose the more elegant 36MM. The final model I identified was fake Rolex Datejust 126234, which uses Rolesor material and Jubilee bracelets. The biggest feature of the Jubilee bracelet is wearing comfort. Rolex Datejust 126234 features hour markers, hands and grooved bezel made of 18-carat white gold that are very beautiful in the sun.

In Lady-Datejust: Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ 31MM

A Rolex female watch, I did not choose Lady-Datejust with diamonds. It is a Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ sculpted with flowers. Because flowers are more understated and versatile than diamonds. It can be paired with elegant dresses, suits, and casual T-shirts. When I first saw the grey floral dial, I wanted to wear it on my hands (own it). And the overall material of Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ is stainless steel. It also has a smooth bezel. And you should know that the smooth bezel is the only option for all-steel models. A Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ using relief technology is why I made it the best fake Rolex watch in the Lady-Datejust series.

In Day-Date: Rolex Day-Date 18238 36MM

To be honest, a fake watch made of pure gold is indeed exaggerated and not suitable for daily wear. But when I saw that the Day-Date watches were all pure gold, I thought it was a noble work of art. And the appearance of Rolex Day-Date 18238 is also the debut of the Double Quickset function. Later, Day-Date was also called the “President’s Watch.” The 36MM Rolex Day-Date 18238 is a male watch, but it is also very popular with girls. Above all, Day-Date is always a manifestation of power, seniority and wealth.

This article first introduces the best fake Rolex watch in the first five series. It is too much to write 15 watches in one article, so I will divide it into three articles to complete. Please be patient and look forward to the next article.

The best Rolex watch in every collection 3.2.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.3.