High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.2

The previous article discussed the best fake Rolex watches in the first five collections. This article continues with the next five.

In Explorer: Rolex Explorer 214270 39MM

Rolex Explorer 214270 is an entry-level Rolex watch released in 2016. It consists of an oyster case and a black dial. And the 3, 6, and 9 numbers in the dial have become larger. Although entry-level, it uses No. 3132 movement with Parachrom hairspring and Paraflex shock absorber. At the same time, Rolex Explorer 214270 has a waterproof depth of 100M. Because it has a simple, classic dial, it is more suitable for casual and stylish combinations. A classic entry-level watch can also be the best fake Rolex watch in the Explorer series.

In GMT-Master II: Rolex GMT-Master II 126710BLRO 40MM

There are two fake watches in the GMT-Master II series that make me hesitant. One is “Batman” and the other is “Pepsi.” I like the bezel color of both watches very much. But in the end, I chose the more active 126710BLRO. When you’re on vacation, the fake Rolex GMT-Master II 126710BLRO with a red and blue bezel on your wrist is a better choice. This model is not the platinum “Pepsi” GM II in 2014, but the steel “Pepsi” in 2018. You should know that ceramic rings with red and blue stitching are very precious. And it also uses GMT’s latest NO.3285 movement. NO.3285 movement not only has better anti-magnetic ability but also has a longer power reserve -70 hours. A highly efficient “Pepsi” is undoubtedly one of the best Rolex watches in the GMT-Master II series.

In Milgauss: Rolex Milgauss 116400GV 40MM

Rolex Milgauss 116400GV was announced in Basel in 2014. The main feature of the Milgauss series watches is anti-magnetic. But its diamagnetic ability has not become stronger, it is still 1000 gauss diamagnetic force. The reason for this 2014 Milgauss plus GV is that its mirror is green sapphire crystal. This is the first colored mirror in Rolex history. So “GV” is the biggest selling point of this watch. The Rolex brand also claims that it is very difficult to produce this colored mirror.

In Oyster Perpetual: Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300 39MM

The Oyster Perpetual watch is an entry-level collection of the Rolex brand. And Oyster Perpetual series has the most complete size and style. I chose one of the most popular sizes-39MM. Then comes a fake Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300 with a classic black dial. The overall design of Rolex Oyster Perpetual 114300 is very simple, an oyster bracelet made of 904L steel and a simple design dial. Because of its simplicity, it is suitable for any time and place. Having a watch that won’t let you go wrong is a great option.

In Pearlmaster: Rolex Pearlmaster 80359 29MM

The Pearlmaster collection is representative of jewelry and watches. I personally don’t like the entire watch to be diamond. So I chose the Rolex Pearlmaster 80359 with a medium number of diamonds. The dial of 29MM is very suitable for elegant girls. Most attractive is the Rolex Pearlmaster 80359 which has a mother-of-pearl dial. This is followed by double-row pavé diamonds on the bezel and diamond indexes on the dial. Although this luxurious Rolex Pearlmaster 80359 has been discontinued. But it is still the best fake Rolex watch in the Pearlmaster series.

The second watch of Rolex’s five series has been introduced, please wait patiently for the last one.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.1.

The Best Fake Rolex Watch In Every Collection 3.3.