High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Three Things You Want To Know About Panerai Watches Fake

There is such a watch, even if it is 10 meters away, it can be recognized immediately. This watch is neither Rolex, Patek Philippe, nor Omega, Tag Heuer. It is Panerai. It has a unique recognition because of its huge case size and innovative crown guard. So this unique watch will allow everyone to recognize it in the distance. Next, I will say 3 things about fake Panerai, I hope you can understand this Italian brand better.

The Relationship Between Panerai And Rolex

We all know that Panerai used to provide watches for the Royal Italian Navy. Although they have excellent luminous material Radiomir, but they have no experience in making diving watches. At that time, Rolex had mature experience in manufacturing waterproof watches, so Panerai and Rolex reached a cooperation. So Panerai imitation watches before the 1950s have many similar characteristics to Rolex fake watches. But the two brands terminated their cooperation in 1956.

Crown Guard

After terminating cooperation with Rolex, Panerai invented its own crown guard. When Panerai started selling civilian watches, the strange bezel bridge was favored by many watch fans. In the end, this cool and awkward crown became the brand’s logo.

How To Distinguish Panerai Collections

So far, Panerai has a total of five collections. However, many fans cannot completely distinguish these five collections. Next, I will tell you the difference between these five Panerai fake watches.

In general, Panerai watches can be divided into two categories, Radiomir and Luminor. We can distinguish them directly from the crown. Panerai Luminor watches are crown bridges, and Panerai Radiomir collection is the opposite.

Radiomir collection can be divided into Radiomir and Radiomir 1940. We distinguish these two watches replicas from the shape of the crown. Panerai Radiomir fake watches have a conical crown. But Panerai Radiomir 1940 watches fake has a cylindrical crown that can be attached to the case.

The three imitation Panerai watch series can be distinguished from the crown bridge. First of all, we can find Luminor, because only the Panerai Luminor fake watch has no “REG. T.M.” on the bridge. Next, we can distinguish Panerai Luminor 1950 and Luminor DUE from the bridge hole. Luminor DUE has a rectangular bridge hole, but Luminor 1950 has a pentagonal bridge hole.

Today, Panerai has a high status because of its historical connotation and durable quality. Of course, its success is not helped by Richemont Group. In any case, we have witnessed its success.