High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Two Fake Yacht-Master II Watches With The Same Reference Number

Yacht-Master, like other Rolex collections, was born out of professional needs. It is designed for the captain of a sailing boat. Rolex Yacht-Master II was first introduced in 2007 and it occupies a high position in Rolex watches. The original Yacht-Master is not a professional yacht watch, but a Submariner made of premium materials. But fake Yacht-Master II is a professional sports watch.

Different Birth Time, Same Reference Number

Fake Yacht-Master II is a true professional yacht watch. It is equipped with a flyback chronograph and a programmable countdown timer. At Baselworld 2013, Rolex released fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680. Surprisingly, this is a Yacht-Master made of stainless steel.

At Baselworld 2017, Rolex modified the Yacht-Master II again. Strangely, Rolex chose to retain the 2013 reference number. So 2017’s new Yacht-Master II is also called fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680. This is a wonderful coincidence.

Same Appearance

It is not possible for Rolex to use the same reference number for two different fake Yacht-Master II watches. So, your idea is correct. The two fake watches are very similar.

First, they are all made of stainless steel. Historically, every Yacht-Master has used precious metals. So these two stainless steel fake Yacht-Master II watches are the exception.

Second, they are the same size. In all Rolex watches, they share the largest size, 44MM. The same Oyster case offers the same waterproof depth, 100M.

Third, the same movement. They use a complex movement No. 4161. NO.4161 movement is derived from Daytona NO.4130 movement. Rolex adds more features to the 4130, such as a programmable countdown function. NO.4161 movement has been certified by COSC.

Different Dials

Four years apart, there are still some differences between these two fake Rolex watches. The biggest difference is inside the dial.

Change of pointer. The 2017 fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 has a bigger pointer. The stick-shaped hour hand was replaced with the iconic “Mercedes” hour hand. Then, the white part of the minute hand is hollowed out.

Change of time scale. The 12-time scales of the 2013 fake Rolex Yacht-Master II 116680 are all the same square. 2017 fake Yacht-Master II updated two-time scales. A 12-point inverted triangle time scale and a 6-point rectangular time scale.

Yacht-Master II is one of the few complex Rolex watches. Although they don’t have a practical date feature, they have really complex features. Fake Yacht-Master II watches will help captains in sailing races have a perfect starting point.