High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Which Fake Lady-Datejust Watch Is Worth Buying

Since the founding of the Rolex brand, Hans has realized that watches can also be divided into men and women. So five years after the emergence of Datejust, Lady-Datejust was born in 1950. Lady-Datejust is the first female model of this series. To this day, Lady-Datejust has a wealth of experience and style. Now let me list a few fake Lady-Datejust watches that are worth buying.

Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ 31MM

Start with a stainless steel version without diamonds. This is a fake Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ with stainless steel throughout. I recommend it because it has a floral rhodium dial. The dial and the flowers are the same material and color, but the flowers are three-dimensional relief, and the size and shape of each flower are different. The dial only has a crown numeral of 6 and 12 o’clock in Arabic numerals and a three-eyed Cyclops. Rolex Lady-Datejust 178240RFJ is equipped with a Jubilee bracelet, smooth bezel, and NO.2235 movement. The NO.2235 movement has a power reserve of 48 hours and a water-resistant depth of 100M.

Rolex Lady-Datejust 279161 28MM

Rolex Lady-Datejust 279161‘s style is very similar to the previous one. They are all jubilee bracelets and round smooth bezels. The difference is that the bezel, crown and center ring of Ref.279161 are replaced with eternal rose gold. The dial is a very delicious chocolate sunburst dial. And it also has NO. 2236 movement that can store 55 hours of power. It is elegant and delicate, yet youthful and fashionable. This fake Rolex Lady-Datejust 279161 without diamonds is a versatile women’s fake watch.

Rolex Lady-Datejust 278273 31MM

Fake Rolex Datejust 278273 is a women’s watch with gold and diamonds. This watch is also a Jubilee bracelet. But it uses a grooved bezel. The hands, the hour markers, the crown, the pitted bezel and the center ring of the Jubilee bracelet are all made of 18ct yellow gold. Most importantly, it also has a green sunburst dial with the Roman numeral “VI” set with 11 diamonds. Rolex brand also used NO.2236 movement for this fake Lady-Datejust hands and feet.

Rolex Lady-Datejust 126284RBR 36MM

This is a platinum version of the Rolex Lady-Datejust 126284RBR. This watch uses platinum as a whole. It has a pure white mother-of-pearl dial. The hour markers on the dial are marked with a diamond. In addition, its round bezel is made of 52 diamonds end to end. And it also has a better performance NO. 3235 movement can store 70 hours of power.

Rolex Fake Lady-Datejust 279178 28MM

This is a pure gold version of the fake Lady-Datejust watch. Fake Rolex Lady-Datejust 279178 is made entirely of gold. Except for the dial. If the dial is gold, I would not recommend the. Ref.279178 has a white mother of pearl dial. The white dial neutralizes the luxurious feel of gold. Of course, this watch is also the women’s iconic Jubilee bracelet and grooved bezel. And it also has NO. 2236 movement that appeared above.

Rolex Lady-Datejust 6517 26MM

The last Lady-Datejust watch worth buying is the replica Rolex Lady-Datejust 6517 with mint green dial. This is the first of a very classic Rolex women’s watch. And this is a very unusual watch. The strap is a crocodile leather strap with a gold case. The most attractive is Rolex’s original sponge green lacquered dial. This dial, called “Stella”, enhances its rarity. This is definitely a watch loved by watch collectors, especially female collectors.

The Rolex brand that has always been concerned about women’s watches has continuously updated Lady-Datejust in the past. Four fake Lady-Datejust watches were released in 2019. And the quality of women’s watches will not be worse than men’s watches. Women’s watches are not only diamonds, but there are also neutral styles. So in the Lady-Datejust series, you can definitely choose a watch that suits you or your girlfriend.