High Quality Fake Rolex Watches

Which Rolex Fake Datejust Watch Is Worth Buying

Range Datejust is one of Rolex’s earliest existing series. The first Datejust 4467, released in 1945, celebrates the 40th anniversary of Rolex. At the time, this was the first watch with an automatic date change window. This feature received a lot of attention in the 1960s. Next, let’s take a look at some of the watches worthy of fake Datejust that have developed today.

Rolex Datejust 116234 36MM

The first Datejust was a 36mm Rolex Datejust 116234. This fake watch incorporates many modern designs. It has an attractive blue sunburst dial. The hour markers on the dial are platinum Roman numerals. It has a Cyclops at three o’clock. And it uses stainless steel as a whole. The strap is a comfortable Jubilee bracelet. In addition, Rolex Datejust 116234 is equipped with a NO.3135 movement. The main reason for choosing it is the bright blue dial. But it is more suitable for use in a vibrant summer.

Rolex Datejust II 116334 41MM

The contemporary design of fake Rolex Datejust II 116334 has attracted many collectors. With the case increased to 41MM, the movement has also been upgraded. The NO.3136 movement replaces the NO.3135 movement. The NO.3136 movement not only has the accuracy certified by the Observatory but also has a blue Parachrom hairspring and Paraflex shock absorber. The bezel is a grooved bezel that slides easily under the shirt’s cuffs. The Cyclops lens at three o’clock is 2.5 times the date. And Rolex Datejust II 116334 uses the oyster bracelet to enhance the watch’s sportiness.

Rolex Datejust 1601 36MM

First of all, the Rolex Datejust 1601 comes from a modern vintage. This iconic watch features an oyster stainless steel strap and Perpetual bezel function. Secondly, this watch has an incredible silver dial. The unique silver dial is different from other Rolex fake Datejust watches. Finally, it has a Jubilee strap that seamlessly wraps around your wrist. The 36MM Rolex Datejust 1601 is a perfect neutral watch. And it can adapt to any formal or informal setting.

Rolex Datejust 118138 36MM

Rolex Datejust 118138 36MM is an elegant and luxurious Datejust watch. It has a green dial and an 18K gold case. To echo it, it also has a green alligator strap. The bezel is also 18K gold. What powers this watch is the NO. 3155 movement. I think this fake Datejust watch is very worth buying. It is also very good as a collectible. It has not only a timeless design but also a unique elegance. So it suits both formal and T-shirts.

The design of fake Datejust has always been very classic, and it is suitable for people in all industries. And it’s perfect for novice buyers. Each of these Datejust watches has a unique charm. Whichever one you choose will not go wrong.